Cooking vs. Ordering In: The Environmental, Time, And Health Implications.

cooking vs ordering

Cooking vs. Ordering In: The Environmental, Time, And Health Implications.

Hello, dear reader! Today, we’re going to slice, dice, and season our way through the savoury debate of cooking vs. ordering in. But don’t worry; we’re not here to throw shade at your treasured pizza delivery guy, but rather to spice things up with some information that might just change your dinner plans tonight! So, fasten your apron, or maybe just your belt (because, let’s face it, some of us do indulge), and let’s dive in.

1. The Green Footprint: A Battle of the Eco-Warriors

Home Cooking: Captain Planet’s Sidekick

  • Ingredients Travelling: When you cook at home, you control where you buy your ingredients. Local farmers’ markets? Organic stores? You got it. The food has travelled fewer miles than a tourist on a weekend getaway.
  • Less Packaging: Remember the last time you ordered and were swimming in plastic containers? When you cook, there’s usually less plastic involved. The Earth sends its thanks!

Ordering In: The Convenient, but Sometimes Messy Friend

  • Transport Emissions: Even if you order from that pizzeria just two blocks away, that delivery vehicle (or bike or scooter) is emitting something.
  • Over-the-top Packaging: It’s like a Russian doll situation with the packaging when you order food. Box in a bag within another bag.  Need I say more?

       Winner: Home Cooking! Our planet gives it a green thumbs up!

2. The Time Tango: Slow-Cooked Delight vs. Instant Gratification

Home Cooking: The Culinary Ballet

  • Prep Time: Yes, peeling, chopping, and marinating does take time. But hey, didn’t you say you wanted to learn a new skill during the quarantine?
  • Cooking Time: Admittedly, this varies. Pasta? Quick. Beef Bourguignon? Not so much.

Ordering In: The Foodie Flash

  • Menu Scrolling Time: Be honest – how much time do you spend scrolling through food delivery apps? It’s like Tinder for food.
  • Waiting Time: Sure, the app says 30 minutes, but sometimes it feels like waiting for the next season of your favourite show.

It’s a tie! Depends on your patience level and how hungry you get.

3. Health Hurdles: Navigating the Nutritional Minefield

Home Cooking: Your Kitchen, Your Rules

  • Control Central: From salt to sugar, oil to additives, you’re the boss. You can make dishes as healthy or indulgent as you want.
  • Fresh Factor: The vegetables in your fridge might not have sat longer than your uncle at a family reunion.

Ordering In: It’s a Flavourful Lottery

  • Hidden Calories: That creamy pasta might be hiding more than just mushrooms. Calories, salt, sugar – it’s a sneaky surprise!
  • Portion Distortion: Remember the last time you said you’d only eat half of what you ordered and save the rest? Me neither.

Winner: Home Cooking! Unless you’re ordering salads every time. And even then, watch out for those dressings.

4. The Wallet’s Whim: Spending Dollars or Dimes?

Home Cooking: The Penny-Pincher’s Paradise

  • Bulk Benefits: Have you ever bought in bulk? Your wallet will thank you! A bag of rice can go a long way, and when compared per serving, it’s a steal.
  • Fancy for Less: That fancy steak dinner you pay a bomb for at a restaurant? You can whip it up at home for a fraction of the price.

Ordering In: The Pricey Privilege

  • Delivery Charges: Ah, those sneaky charges that pop up at checkout! The dish’s price might look appealing, but those additional fees add up.
  • Tipping: It’s a kind gesture, no doubt, but when done frequently, it might just tip your monthly budget.

            Winner: Home Cooking! Your piggy bank’s growing big.

5. The Experience Extravaganza: The Vibe Counts!

Home Cooking: The Comforting Cocoon

  • Personal Touch: There’s something heartwarming about making your grandma’s recipe. That emotional connection that nostalgia – restaurant food can’t replicate it.
  • The Aha Moment: The sheer joy of creating something delicious from scratch! It’s like assembling IKEA furniture but edible (and without leftover screws).

Ordering In: The Culinary Cruise

  • World on a Platter: Do you feel like having Thai today and Ethiopian tomorrow? You can travel the world, gastronomically speaking, without leaving your couch.
  • No Cleaning Up: The delight of not having to face that mountain of dishes post-meal is priceless.

Now, it’s time for some ending notes. 

Conclusion: The Final Stir

While both home cooking and ordering have their advantages, it seems home cooking has the upper hand in the environmental and health arenas. As for time? Well, that’s a toss-up, like deciding whether to flip that pancake or order in.

Whatever you choose, remember: food is to be enjoyed. So, whether you’re donning your chef hat or scrolling through an app, keep it delicious, dear reader!

Until next time, may your pots never boil over, and your delivery always be hot! Cheers to the never-ending culinary adventures! 

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